Most people concentrate on the big picture of how they want their life to be in the future; they spend so much energy focusing on the outcome neglecting the present; forgetting that each second of every minute in a day is what accumulates to become weeks, months and years they have fantasized about.
"To live life is to spend your time wisely"– Healing pen
A time well spent is a life well lived. Time according to the dictionary can be defined as a part of an existence measured in minutes, days, years, etc.
Humans have the advantage of 24 hours a day to correct the mistake of yesterday but only a man with an understanding of time will utilize it properly and do today what he ought to do today and what he failed to do yesterday.
Read that again👆
Time is one thing we have in abundance yet it's limited; as long as the sun rises every morning and is replaced by the moon at night there will always be time but no one can tell how much he has left.
If life is measured in terms of achievement then time is measured in terms of productivity.
An adage says when the importance of a thing is not known misuse is inevitable; to be productive with each minute of your time is to know its importance; to have adequate knowledge of time.
Value of Time
•Time is a fraction of life;
•Time is what begets seasons
•Time is what gives chance for growth and development.
While referring to time it is often used with the verb "spent" in similitude to money; Time is meant to be spent in exchange for value that is, when you spend your time you are meant to have gained value in exchange for it either monetarily, mentally, physically, educationally, etc there has to be added value.
If after spending your time there was no added value for it, you have been robbed and whatever robs you of time has robbed you of life...
Time Stealers: Ignorance
One of the job descriptions of the enemy of man is that he steals whatever he perceives to be valuable to man, one of which is Time. He more than anyone knows the value of time which is why he uses a renowned agent: Ignorance.
Ignorance means to lack knowledge or education about something leaving everything to chance. No plan for the next minute or day. An ignorant person gambles with life and is controlled by the tides of situations since he has no plans or focuses to navigate with.
To a man blinded by ignorance, there is always a tomorrow to cover up for what can't be achieved today
But for a man with a knowledge and understanding of time, every day comes with its responsibilities that have to be dealt with accordingly.
Nothing steals time like Ignorance, it makes sure one is completely blinded to the fact that the tick-tock of the clock signifies life and the passing of a particular season of a man's life.
The English man said whatever you're ignorant of has leverage against you, if you are ignorant of time and you spend it on frivolities rather than value; you will see the reward therein.
To be continued...