There was a time in my life when I hated my name.
Not that it was bad both in pronunciation or meaning but I hated the fact that it was too "popular". Imagine having to turn most time when your name is called to discover it is not you but someone else that was called; it was both frustrating and tiring.
Until I discovered It wasn't about the name but the person being called by the name. Yes, I could be comfortable with having someone else in the room bear the same name as me and my esteem won't be threatened.
It's not about the number of people going by that name; it's the uniqueness in each person that can't be found elsewhere.
It doesn't matter the number of people doing what I do but my signature uniqueness in mine.
The You in You that can't be found in any other person.
The special flavor you have that can't be seen by anyone else.
Physical Things That Differentiate From Others
- Fingerprints: Ever stopped to wonder about the wide use of fingerprints in almost all important documents? It's because your fingerprints are not common. They are yours only; no one else has the fingerprint as you.
- The Iris And Retina: The iris is the colored part of your eye while the retina is the very back of your eye where light rays focus. The color of your iris is like your fingerprint; it's unique to you, and nobody else in the world has the same colored eye as you.
- The Way You Talk And Move: Study has shown that no 2 persons walk or talk the same way. Your voice and even your tongue have properties traceable to only you. Just you!
Spiritual Things That Differentiate You
- Your purpose: Jer.1.5 - "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations--that's what I had in mind for you." There's that special place and position meant just for you. A place in God's purpose that you are meant to fill; God had you in mind when He was mapping out His plans and didn't create a duplicate because He loves and wants the original: You.
- No one can worship Him as You; that's why He forever desires fellowship with you.
That's what differentiates you from others; discovering your uniqueness is not only about looking inwards but also looking "Godward"; checking with Him what He has deposited in you that can't be found in any of His other creations.
You are unique!