God wants you to succeed in whatever He has called you and given you the ability to do.
What is success and what does it mean to succeed? Many have proposed and given different answers but the baseline of it all is: Success is having things going as planned or hoped for, a strategic and concise effort put into the materialization of a goal, and getting the desired result. Society has continued to raise the bars of success so high with numerous methods to aid in their achievements. Methods such as:
👉 Consistency
👉 Goal-setting
👉 Personal development
👉 Perseverance
👉 Discipline and so on.
Which will later result in fame, wealth, luxury, and a satisfying feeling of achievement. But if this is all you have termed as success then you are no different from the Pharisees in the Bible.
The Pharisees had all that can be tagged as a successful life:they had a thriving political career, they has all the luxury money can buy, fame and respect amongst the people, they were very religious but they lacked that which was vital: They weren't pleasing God.
Their motive for success was to gain the applause and approval of men rather than God's. Success is good, in fact, God desires all men to be successful but the primary and main objective should be to please God and gain His approval.
You can be very successful and well-known for your business, moral, and religious achievements but if in the pursuit of it all you forget that pleasing God is your number one priority, you are a successful failure!
A typical example of the success that doesn't please God in our society today is a fraudulent rich person who gave to the poor, cared for people around him, and observed all religious rules and regulations. Though to society's standard such a person is successful but unfortunately to God, he is a failure. A successful failure!
Success gotten through ungodly means can't yield godly results.
And the Bible shows us a very fundamental way to please God:
And without faith, it is impossible to please God( Hebrews 11:6a)
Success mixed with Faith in God = Godly success.
Hence, the number 1 secret to success is Faith.
A lifestyle of faith in God is essential for you to receive and respond to leadings and directions. His leading can be in form of thoughts, ideas, and images but you can be sure they are from God as you aligned through faith in Him.
The addition of faith to whatever strategies you are working with is what makes your success standout. God aspires that we succeed but what gives Him greater pleasure is when you do it in a way that He approves. ( read more about faith here).
Success is not just a goal in life but a state of life that shouldn't be measured first by: what you stand to gain from It. Will it work? Will it lead to fame and wealth instead by WILL GOD BE PLEASED WITH IT?