Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see-
Hebrews 11 vs 1 NLT.
Faith is absolute certainty in something or someone to do according to what has been said or deliver according to expectations. Faith in God is been firmly rooted in Him irrespective of the circumstances, and it's either we have faith or we don't have faith but in the Bible, there are statements by Jesus of little and great faith ( Matthew 6:30, Matthew 14:31)
The term "Little" and " Great" Faith simply refers to the degrees of test our faith has undergone.
If you only have Faith in God when there are physical proofs then you are certainly a man of little faith, but if you can have faith even when it seems foolish to do so or when circumstance and human knowledge are saying otherwise then you are truly a man of great faith.
The Wild Fire of Great Faith and The Mild Fire of Little Faith.
The burning fiery furnace in Daniel 3:26 couldn't consume Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego because they entered the furnace with a wildfire that is higher in volume, strength, and intensity than that of the furnace.
There is a great difference between a mild fire and a wildfire.
A Mild Fire can easily be:
👉🏽 Toyed with,
👉🏽 Played with,
👉🏽 Fought and defeated,
👉🏽 Extinguished with the normal water (little tests)
But Wild Fire cannot be easily dared, because it is often aggressive and out of control ready to charge at anything standing on its path.
Great Faith exhibits the characteristics of a wildfire while a mild fire exhibit the traits of a mild fire.
When Jesus told Peter to come unto Him on the water,
Peter conquered fear and stepped out of the boat with a Great Faith that turned the surface of the water into a walking platform,
And Peter walked like Jesus on the water!
But when Peter looked away from Jesus to focus on the boisterous wind,
the Wild Fire of GREAT FAITH he entered the water with got trimmed into a Mild Fire of LITTLE FAITH,
that is not strong enough to keep him afloat.
Hence, he started sinking.
From the above, we can identify two enemies that will never allow a believer to operate in the capacity of great faith:
FEAR: Many believers are unable to operate in great faith due to fear hence there is a limit to the promises of God they can believe. To conquer fear we have to use our weapon of CONSTANT DECLARATION OF God's spoken and written Word. His spoken words are promises and confirmations given in the place of prayer and meditation while His written word is gotten from studying the bible both are given to strengthen our faith.
DOUBT: Just like fear, doubt in God also hinders a believer. One admirable virtue of the 3 Hebrew boys (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) was their absolute trust In God's faithfulness even in the face of death. Our doubt in God reflects through our disobedience to His instructions and commandments. Faith entails taking steps and following His instructions in the order by which they were given.
How to strengthen your faith in God.
1) Constant feeding on God's Word: Faith will say about itself everything that the Word says, for faith in God is simply faith in His Word. To have faith in someone you have to be conversant with the person and his words and his ways. The word of God is the best medium to know Him.
2) Meditation: Josh.1.8 - And don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you'll get where you're going; then you'll succeed.
Meditation can be defined as an act of thinking deeply and examining God's Word. It's during the act of meditating that we receive the revelation in God's Word, that strengthens our faith and upon which our declarations of faith-filled words are based.
3) Prayer: Through prayer, we express our deep thoughts and in return, He communicates His peace to us. Prayer is a demonstration of our dependence on Him for strength and grace to pull through trials.
4) Obedience to instructions: Instructions are test that strengthens our faith in God. The extent we will go for Him as proof of our love and faith in Him. Obedience to instructions given in the place of prayer and meditation is what hastenes the growth of our faith.
It takes boldness, fearlessness, and confidence in the Lion of the tribe of Judah to conquer, subdue, and rule among your enemies.